Electronic repeat dispensing

If you or someone you care for uses the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from electronic repeat prescriptions. This means you won't have to re-order or collect your repeat prescriptions from your GP practice every time you need more medicine.

Step 1

Talk to your GP or the person who prescribes your medicines and ask them if you can use electronic repeat prescriptions. Your prescriber will usually be your doctor or practice nurse.

If your prescriber thinks that you could use electronic repeat prescriptions for your regular medicines, they will ask you for permission to share information about your treatment with your pharmacist. This will help your pharmacist to give your prescriber feedback about your treatment and provide you with useful advice.

Your GP or prescriber will then authorise a number of electronic repeat prescriptions. This will be based on your circumstances and clinical need. These electronic repeat prescriptions will then be supplied to you by your pharmacy at regular intervals.

Step 2

Collect your first electronic repeat prescription from your pharmacy.

Step 3

When you need more medicines, go back to your pharmacy. Before dispensing the next issue of your prescription, your pharmacy will ask:

  • have you seen any health professionals (GP, nurse or hospital doctor), since your last repeat prescription was supplied?
  • have you recently started taking any new medicines - either on prescription or that you have bought over the counter?
  • have you been having any problems with your medication or experiencing any side effects?
  • are there any items on your repeat prescription that you don't need this month?

If you don't need all of the medicines on your prescription, let the pharmacy staff know, so that they only supply the medicines you need. This will help to reduce waste and save the NHS money.

Step 4

When your pharmacy supplies your final electronic repeat prescription in the series that your GP has authorised, they will advise you to contact your GP practice. Your doctor or practice nurse may want to see you to review your medication before they will authorise more electronic repeat prescriptions.

Repeat Prescriptions

You may order repeat prescriptions by ticking the appropriate box on the reorder form attached to the back of you script and handing it in at reception or through the surgery post box. Alternatively you may post your request with a stamped addressed envelope. The new prescription charges are now £9.65.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see either a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications.

Please allow two full working days between requesting and collecting your medication.

Changes to repeat prescriptions from your GP practice. From 1st November 2016 pharmacies and dispensing companies will be phasing in a new system which means that soon they will no longer be able to order medicines on your behalf. You will need to order your repeat prescription directly from your GP surgery.

There are different ways to order including:

online on your computer or by downloading the SystmOnline app on your mobile phone or tablet device.

Handing in the white, tear-off part of your repeat prescription to the surgery.

Letter to your surgery.

The surgery can accept a telephone order for prescriptions for vulnerable and elderly patients only.

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